


What do Chiropractors do?

Chiropractors are 5 year university trained health professionals who restore spinal joint function and optimal nervous system function with gentle specific movements called “adjustments”. There are many different techniques that can be utilised to perform an adjustment. On-going treatment may include prescribed exercises, postural and lifestyle advice, and home management recommendations which are individually tailored to each case. Correction of joint dysfunction may also be achieved in the arms, legs, the jaw and rib cage.

Are Chiropractic adjustments safe?

Full scientific reviews of the literature (Cochrane Review) have reported that spinal manipulation is one of the safest approaches for spine pain compared with many different medical approaches. As there are many technique options for delivering an adjustment, your Chiropractor will choose the appropriate techniques based on your age, size, condition and preference, allowing safe and effective treatment.

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

An ‘Adjustment’ is the application of a precise force to a specific part of the involved spinal segment, using the hands or an instrument, to restore optimal joint function leading to improved movement and normal nerve transmission. Adjustments can be performed manually by the hands as with spinal manipulation – a quick, controlled thrust often accompanied by an audible ‘pop’ – or through gentle low-force techniques such as Activator instrument, SOT blocking, and drop-piece tables.

Will my adjustment hurt?

An adjustment is generally a painless manoeuvre resulting in greater mobility and usually instantaneous relief with most people finding it relaxing and enjoying how it feels. If a patient in acute pain presents for an adjustment, sometimes inflammation and the tension in surrounding muscles can make the adjustment a bit uncomfortable, but by restoring motion an adjustment ultimately helps to naturally reduce inflammation due to correction to the joint mechanics….so adjustments do not hurt, though some injuries people come in with do. Likewise, if a joint has been dysfunctional and restricted for some time – perhaps years – the restoration of movement through an adjustment may create a localised inflammatory response in associated soft tissues as your body adapts to the change - this reaction is usually mild and only temporary and is considered a normal part of the healing process where an area of the spine has been restricted for a long period and is now moving better. Your Chiropractor will advise you in how to minimise any reactivity. If getting adjusted is new or unfamiliar and produces feelings of fear or hesitation, your Chiropractor will help you relax through simple explanations of the process, and modification of treatment techniques if your body is having difficulty relaxing into the movement or if tissue sensitivity is an issue.

What is the popping sound?

The actual ‘pop’ is called a cavitation, and it’s the release of gas within the joint that makes the sound. Synovial fluid lubricates the joints of the spine for the purpose of movement and nourishment. Byproducts formed in the production of synovial fluid are oxygen, nitrogen and carbondioxide. When you get adjusted and the joint is gapped or opened up, the gas is released and often you hear a distinctive sound. After the joint is opened up the synovial fluids relubricate the joint surfaces and normal motion is restored. The presence or volume of the ‘pop’ sound isn’t a guide to the quality or need of the adjustment. It is a common misconception that the noise heard is bones going back into place or rubbing on each other. If you do not enjoy Chiropractic manipulation techniques involving popping sounds, let your Chiropractor know and they will utilise other techniques to adjust you.

Why should I get adjusted?

The spine is a dynamic structure subject to many physical/chemical/emotional stresses - our lifestyles do not allow spinal joints to fully move, self-lubricate and repair properly. This is because we sit too long for work, don’t move enough when we should and make mistakes when we lift and exercise. Sometimes abnormal loading patterns may have been present since the impacts of childhood, or from past trauma, or perhaps our individual genetics and anatomical variations have contributed to localised spinal joint dysfunction. Adjustments re-establish and correct loading patterns and allow the body to move with better efficiency and adaptivity.

Do I need a medical referral?

No. Chiropractors are primary health care practitioners. You can contact us directly for an appointment.

Will I have to get X-rays?

Not necessarily. Your Chiropractor will determine if radiographic investigations are necessary once they have assessed your spine. The purpose of attaining X-ray images is to help evaluate your individual anatomy, locate any longer-term degeneration, visualise structural alignment, and exclude underlying pathology and/or trauma if indicated. These images can provide valuable and sometimes necessary information to address your health issues. If you have previous films please bring them to your initial visit as this may mean that additional x-rays are not required. If you are pregnant you will not be referred for X-rays. Paediatric patients will not be referred for X-rays unless deemed medically necessary. Our Chiropractor is licensed to refer for Spinal X-rays and MRI. X-ray imaging is usually bulk-billed through Medicare. Nearby locations to get your X-rays: Radiology Group in Oxley (closest 4min drive) or Inala, Lumus Imaging at Richlands or Oxley, or I-Med at Forest Lake.

How long will it take to feel better?

Whilst some patients experience almost instant relief nearly all patients are feeling improvement within two to three weeks. There are many factors that affect your rate of healing such as your age, lifestyle, level of spinal degeneration, the type of injury, your general health, how long you have had the problem, and how compliant you are with recommendations. Every person is different and so rates of healing will differ. When it comes to spinal joint dysfunction, pain is often the last symptom to appear and the first to disappear – so remember, pain-relief is only the beginning of healing, it takes time for your body to stabilise and adapt to the new movement patterns.

Will I have to go to the Chiropractor forever?

How long you benefit from Chiropractic care is always up to you. During your visits you’ll be presented with information regarding the objectives of each phase of care and the optimum type and duration of care needed to achieve these results. Once you have this information it is your decision to choose the type of care you desire. Some people just want to come a few times and get comfortable. Other people want to optimise their health and find that a customised plan of care gets better results and long-term pain relief, as well as allowing them to do all the things they want and not give up things because of their condition. How long you go to a Chiropractor is always your choice and depends entirely on your personal goals for your health. Know that we happily provide whatever care you seek and explain what we honestly think you need. It is our job to educate you and make recommendations however your health is your responsibility and also your choice.

Why do chiropractors recommend maintenance check ups?

Just as you would get your teeth check by a dentist for cavities you didn’t know about, or take your car to the mechanic for a service to keep it functioning at its best, Chiropractors recommend regular maintenance check-ups of your spine to detect joint movement problems before they become noticeably painful or cause an interruption to nervous system. Dysfunction of the spinal joints can happen silently and pain is often the last symptom to appear – so keeping it tuned up helps to prevent this. Adjustments aim to correct any restrictions and keep you moving in an optimal way, able to continue doing all that you want. The frequency of these visits will become apparent as you and your Chiropractor discover how well your body holds your adjusted movement patterns before the physical/chemical/emotional stresses of your daily life cause tension and restriction in your spinal joints.

Do Chiropractors only treat people with back pain?

Chiropractors typically treat problems of the spine and nervous system. Whilst the majority of our patients see us for spine care, patients report they can better manage a range of other health conditions when their spine and muscle system is relaxed and working well. Some of these symptoms include things like headaches/migraine, muscle and joint pain, menstrual pain, fatigue, sinus, digestive symptoms, and overactivity of the stress response. A lot of patients report Chiropractic also helps maintain their general well-being, rather than care for a particular problem. This is called wellness care.

Does Chiropractic fix pain for every body?

Firstly, Chiropractic does not fix anything - YOU DO! Chiropractic restores optimal neuromusculoskeletal function which is in most cases accompanied by pain relief. Some problems however need other types of treatment at the time to be effectively managed. Your Chiropractor will refer you for other types of treatment with an appropriate health professional when indicated. If a trial of Chiropractic treatment makes no improvement to symptoms or if other problems outside the scope of practice of a Chiropractor are discovered, a patient is referred. Usually the patient’s medical practitioner is the next point of call with a note from the Chiropractor outlining what has been done and what may need to be done next. The Chiropractor usually stays in touch to follow progress and provide further treatment/advice, if appropriate. Chiropractors often co-manage with medical doctors including GPs and specialists, and other allied-health practitioners such as remedial massage therapists, podiatrists, dentists, optometrists, physiotherapists, exercise physiologists as well as naturopaths and acupuncturists to get to the bottom of some complicated cases.

Why do children and babies get adjusted?

Babies and children frequently benefit from Chiropractic care through gentle and effective techniques that are highly-modified to suit their size, age and development, allowing for safe adjustments adapted to their individual bodies. In contrast to adjustments delivered to the adult population - the pressure used on a baby is equivalent to the pressure one uses to check a tomato for ripeness. A child’s spine may be subject to a range of stresses including in-utero positioning or constraint, impacts of a traumatic birth or assisted delivery, or through the repeated minor stresses their bodies sustain as they rapidly grow and develop. A lot of parents value Chiropractic care when it comes to the health of their infants and children. Chiropractors can also provide advice for all ages and stages, like developmental exercises, postural awareness, stability/strengthening/stretching exercises, or practical advice on correct wearing of backpacks, ergonomics and using electronic devices. Many problems seen in adults are resultant of injuries and/or stresses sustained during childhood that were left unaddressed. Regular chiropractic checks can identify these problems and help avoid complaints later in life. Treatment plans for babies and children will usually only involve a few visits initially and then intermittent check-ups. Our Chiropractor is more than happy to discuss any concerns you may have prior to commencing an adjustment.

Can I tell if my own spinal joints are working properly?

Unfortunately, you can’t. Whilst you may be pain-free, no pain does not mean no dysfunction. The spine is a dynamic structure subject to the physical/chemical/emotional stresses of daily life. Spinal problems can eventually cause many symptoms, and they can often be present and undetected for a long time. This is why we recommend regular chiropractic check-ups to detect and correct spinal changes for patients that are not experiencing any symptoms.

Do chiropractors treat pregnant women?

Yes. Having your spine checked by your Chiropractor throughout your pregnancy will keep you moving well and will assist in maintaining the proper function of your pelvis and spine as you adapt to the many changes your body is undergoing. Many pregnant mums, recently birthed mums and babies receive chiropractic care. Mothers often find that chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy improve their back pain, help prepare them for childbirth and make delivery easier for themselves and their baby. Our adjusting methods are always adapted to a patient’s size, weight, age, and condition of health to provide the most suitable care.

Can I have care after spinal surgery?

Yes. We treat many patients who have had previous spinal surgery, as well as other joint replacement surgeries.  Treatment will be modified to accommodate your condition and avoid areas with a surgical history whilst correcting and maintaining the rest of your spine. If you have had a medical procedure please feel free to inquire about timing of appointments and returning to care.

Is Chiropractic care covered by Veterans Affairs?

Veterans wishing to see a Chiropractor need a DVA referral from their GP; this referral is valid for 12 months, after which time a new one is required. At the first appointment we will take details from your DVA Card. After each visit you are required to sign the treatment form and the account is sent directly to DVA for payment.

Does Medicare cover Chiropractic?

Please see you GP to discuss your eligibility and organise paperwork to receive up to 5 Medicare-funded visits every calendar year.